It is time once again to celebrate together the community and rich history of Spring Creek. So if you live in Spring Creek or used to live in Spring Creek – or know anyone who lives here or who wants to live here – or you just wander through occasionally because you like it here – please join us for an afternoon and evening of friendship and sharing.
Did you know we’re in our 200th year? According to postal records, we graduated from letters drifting via the occasional passers-through to intentional stamped communication in 1824 – only 28 years after Tennessee managed to graduate from the Southwest Territory into statehood.
But this isn’t about boundaries or milestones. We have blessings to count, joy to share, loved ones to remember, and children to teach – all best done in the presence of one another! Join us for an afternoon and evening of friendship and sharing.
May the Lord continue to bless His people as we seek His face.